We are aware that everyone here – whether in production, sales, or administration – makes an important contribution to the success of our company.

Andreas S.

Product Developer

“Bringing the best taste into a small capsule format is always an exciting challenge for me.”

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Agnieszka S.

Export Sales Manager

“I am proud to always have my finger on the pulse of the market – having the right instinct for product innovations is part of it.”

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Björn K.

Head of Sales Industry

“Making my own decisions and being able to communicate directly with our customers are the icing on the cake in my work.”

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Kai Y.

Mechatronics Engineer

“In my line of work, you must have a head for heights, but the work is very varied, and the colleagues are great.”

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Tobias S.

Integrated Degree Program | Major in Business Administration

“I was able to take on responsibility early on and I really like the mix of theory at university and practice in the company.”

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Guido R.


“From forklift operator to administrator? This is possible at Krüger, where you can still work your way up.”

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Tatjana R.

Marketing Director Krüger

“My own expertise and a lot of creative freedom – at Krüger I have the chance to make a real difference every day.”

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